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Laughing Earth has been an active farm for over 200 years, and as of December 2017, is protected by an easement to be Farmland Forever. Right now, we are also selling goods from other local farmers, to fill out products that we don't ourselves offer.
Zack and Annie Metzger are the stewards of the land and the proprietors of the business since 2015/2016.
We are farmers because we care about providing healthy food for ourselves and our community, and about feeding the soil on which we depend. We are eager to forge a connection with the ecosystem that supports us, from the fragile microscopic communities in our soil to the vast network of water that connects our corner of the world with so many others. We are eager to grow connections within our human community, and to create a large family for ourselves made up of others who are also passionate about the food they put in their bodies and concerned about the impact our species has upon this earth.